No Spring Chicken...

No spring chicken anymore…who said that?! LOL

From no longer waking up to being blessed by the Gods with an effortlessly toned everything(mid-section, arms, legs – you name it!), to not being able to bounce back from a night out after a couple of drinks or huffing and puffing like all three piggies* after making it up a flight of stairs…finding out you’re no spring chicken anymore is one of the most downplayed significant turning points in each and every adult’s life! Okay, that might have sounded a tad overdramatic, but you catch my drift here – the reality of it all just sneaks up on you! (*Side Note: In the fairytale, the big bad wolf was actually the one huffing and puffing trying to blow the pigs’ houses down, but that didn’t work quite as well for where I was going with that analogy lol but who cares)

As we continue to encroach on the rest of the year 2020 and I reluctantly approach the last year of my 20’s, I find myself looking back on old photos with size 6 dresses I can no longer fit into, with a section of Rita Ora’s R.I.P. lyrics playing in a continuous loop as I cry myself to sleep… R.I.P. to the girl you used to see, Her days are over, baby she’s overrrr…Okay that got real dark for a second lol. On a more serious note (not that serious though lol), as I am drawing nearer to the 30 year milestone of life on this earth I find myself re-assessing my current lifestyle and daily habits, and wanting to improve different aspects of my life by bringing back some of the things my younger self unknowingly prioritized(she kind of knew what she was doing, even if she didn’t think she did). 

After much deliberation, I decided to put pen to paper (in a sense), and make a list (because that’s what adults do) of some of the things I think most of us might lose sight of in our daily hustle and bustle, and would benefit from as a reminder:

  1. You are given one body, so take care of it…*drops mic* – incorporating some form of physical activity into your daily routine is extremely important to your health. I noticed I could go days without any form of real exercise except the occasional short walk (usually to the bathroom or to get food). This is mostly due to the nature of my work (sitting in front of a computer) and hectic schedule, but still – no excuses.
  2. Food is medicine…*drops second mic* – we are responsible for what we put into our bodies. We either chose health or illness – it’s really up to you. With a busy schedule if you fail to plan, then plan to fail (corny, but true).
  3. You CAN’T “sleep when you’re dead” – your body needs rest to rejuvenate and repair cells, so it can function optimally. If you don’t listen to your body and carve out that necessary resting period, a breakdown is inevitable.
  4. Don’t stress, find the simple joys in life – We tend to overcomplicate life with things that seem painstakingly important in the moment but in all actuality are not as grave in the grand scheme of things. Learn to take a step back to acknowledge the simple joys life brings you and take a second to appreciate and enjoy them. 


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